John Merris of Solo Brands: Treat your customer like your mom!

John Merris
Chief Executive Officer

In this episode we talked about:
- The birth of Solo Brands
- John’s guiding ecommerce principles
- The choice between outsourcing and insourcing technology
- The implications of Solo Brand’s early decision to insource fulfillment
- Creating seamless experiences across multiple brands
- The importance of customer care
- The significance of referral and repeat purchase rates in understanding success
Episode highlights:
[00:45] Solo Stove to Solo Brands: Building a brand portfolio
[04:58] Ecommerce financial principles
[08:27] Tech strategy: Build vs buy decisions
[11:50] Revolutionizing customer experience through fulfillment
[16:40] The golden rule of customer service
[19:49] Key metrics for ecommerce success
[22:43] Growth vs profitability
[25:27] Website optimization tips
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