The Noibu trial: Why we do a proof of concept (POC)
What is a Noibu Proof of Concept (POC)?
Noibu’s Proof of Concept (POC) is a 2 week trial period where we deploy the error detection tag to your eCommerce environment to start capturing data as one would with a full Noibu license.
After this time, your account executive will log into the console to show your team exactly what the software would look like for your business.
Why is my account executive pushing for a POC?
We get this question a lot, so we figured we would create a quick explainer on the purpose of doing a POC with you.
The quick answer is: It helps you visualize how Noibu can slot into your current workflows with your own data. No demo data or environment.
There’s more that goes into it though, so let’s break it down.
Why do a POC?
Noibu’s POC has a few goals that it accomplishes:
1. Confirming the presence of site bugs
2. Confirming the value and scope of site bugs
3. Confirming how the tool works within your individual ecosystem and case
4. Confirming how the tool can slot in with your existing workflows
1. Confirming the presence of site bugs
We often talk to eCommerce managers who - either through gut-feel, through a digital experience tool, or through customer tickets - know there are errors on their site, but say that it's increasingly difficult to confirm what these issues are or how many are currently live and affecting customers.
Noibu’s tag will pick up on all errors affecting your customers over the 2 week POC period, confirming (or denying) the presence of site errors, so you can know definitively if there is a problem that needs to be solved.
2. Confirming the value and scope of site bugs
The most common way for eCommerce teams to hear about site issues is through customer support tickets. We also know that approximately only 1 in 10 potential customers ever take the time to submit a ticket when they experience an onsite error. As well, without a holistic view into all errors, it’s a guessing game as to whether or not revenue and conversions are being impacted by errors on your site.
Noibu’s software is able to calculate the negative impact to revenue and conversions associated with any given error; this function is also included in our POCs. Visibility into these metrics provides your team, and us, with an idea of the potential damages site errors are currently causing you… do you have a $5,000 issue under the hood or a $1,000,000 issue? This will hopefully give you a good idea as to if your business can expect to see an aggressive ROI with the tool.
3. Confirming how the tool works within your individual ecosystem and case
Every eCommerce store is unique, and you likely have questions as to whether or not Noibu can work with your current tech stack, what types of errors will be surfaced, and what that will look like with your own data.
The Noibu POC gives you the opportunity to see exactly what your team will be viewing and working with in the tool.
Why is this so important to us? It’s because we know it’s one thing to discuss conceptual values and scope in a demo environment with demo data… It’s another thing entirely to see it applied to your specific case.
4. Confirming how the tool can slot in with your existing workflows
If you can’t see yourself working with a tool, that’s the point? You’ll either not end up buying it, or you’ll end up purchasing it only to have it sitting in the background as a money-drain. We don’t want that for potentially mission-critical tools.
With the POC, once you have your own information in the software, your own stacks, your own session videos… it’s easier to visualize how Noibu is going to slot into existing team workflows. Your developers and product owners can dive into the console and see, first hand, how their workflows could be improved with Noibu, without having to extrapolate on dummy data, and without being shoved into a new environment post-sale.
Because, ultimately, we aren't here to cause a major disruption. We’re here to make processes more data-driven, efficient, and effective.
Chances are you’re already trying to detect your site issues, you’re already trying to prioritize them and manage them in your scrums, you’re already trying to resolve them as easily as possible (most often fuelled by replication workflows). Noibu makes that a lot easier and quicker… But the best way to confirm that is to see it for yourself.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out directly to your account executive. If you’d like to get a POC for your own eCommerce business, send us a message at!